Our Constitution and Bylaws

The name of the Society is ATIRA WOMEN’S RESOURCE SOCIETY

Filed January 3, 2024


The purpose of the Society is to establish an exclusively women serving agency with an administration and staff:

  1. to relieve poverty by operating and maintaining emergency shelters, transitional and/or permanent housing facilities for women, and/or for women and children, who are affected by violence and who may be struggling with substance use, mental wellness and/or homelessness;
  2. to relieve poverty by providing affordable housing for women, and/or for women and children, of low or low to moderate income;
  3. to address and prevent specific barriers faced by women and children affected by violence by providing counselling, outreach programs, support services, health care services, licensed childcare and job skills training to women who are affected by violence and who may be struggling with substance use, mental wellness and/or homelessness;
  4. to advance education and public awareness on issues relating to violence against women and children, through presentations, public forums, seminars to the general public and other avenues; and
  5. to do all such things as are incidental and ancillary to the attainment of the above objects, including acquiring real property and/or rights to use real property.

Download the Constitution and Bylaws