Women’s Health & Safety Liasons for SROS

The Women’s Health and Safety Liaison Program operates from a feminist, harm-reduction and anti-oppression perspective. We provide:

  • One-to-one support to women and create relationships built on trust, understanding, and cooperation
  • Recommendations to improve the health and safety of women’s living space
  • Work with women to resolve issues concerning their living space which can impact their health and safety
  • Visit women in hospital to offer emotional support and companionship (as needed)
  • Provide accompaniments to appointments (as needed)
  • Build and maintain relationships with SRO hotel managers and staff in an effort to support women to achieve and maintain a safe and healthy living environment

Phone: (604) 240-5936
Phone: (604) 331-1407 ext 107 or 102
Email: womenshealthandsafety@atira.bc.ca