
Vancouver SOGI Protest

We want to take a moment to address the anti-trans protest happening today in
Vancouver and across Canada.

It’s heartening to see that support against such protests and rallies including the B.C.
Human Rights Commissioner who strongly condemned such events as ‘hate-fuelled.’
We share this sentiment wholeheartedly and stand by their statement.

Our organization has always upheld the values of respect, inclusion, and the protection
of human rights. We believe that everyone has the right to live their truth and express
their feelings freely. This has been and will continue to be our unwavering commitment.
Let us all remember that our strength lies in our diversity and our unwavering support
for one another. Today, as always, we stand together against hate and for the rights
and dignity of all individuals.

At Atira, we want to make it clear that we stand united against any form of
discrimination, hate, or intolerance.

Stay safe and let’s continue to promote a world of acceptance and understanding.

– Atira Leadership, in solidarity with the LGBT2QIA+ we so proudly support and work

Download statement in PDF format