
Statement from Atira Leadership: Standing United Against Hate

As the Million Person March approaches once again, we want to take a moment to address the troubling nature of this event. While it is presented as a protest to “save our kids,” it is, in truth, an organized effort to spread hate and undermine the rights and dignity of our trans and gender-nonconforming communities. This march, cloaked as a call to protect, is fundamentally an attack on the very essence of inclusivity and respect that we stand for.

At Atira, our mission is clear: to foster a supportive and inclusive community where everyone, regardless of their gender identity, can live without fear of violence or discrimination. One of the key ways we fulfill this mission is through our housing program, led by Aoki Ross. Aoki Ross provides safe and nurturing housing for trans, gender-diverse, two spirit, and non-binary individuals. From our direct experience, we recognize the profound impact that safe housing has on the mental and physical well-being of these vulnerable individuals. We are also acutely aware of the daily harassment, challenges, and discrimination they endure.

On this day and every day, we stand in solidarity with our trans and gender-nonconforming friends, families, and neighbors. We urge all allies to join us in countering hate with love and support. Our collective voice and actions are essential in creating a world where everyone can thrive.

We will not be silent in the face of injustice. We will continue to advocate for a society where everyone is valued and respected. Together, we are stronger, and together, we will build a future free from gender-based violence and prejudice.

With solidarity and resolve

Donnie Rosa (they/she)

CEO, Atira