
PCVWH: Skills Sessions Registration

Skills for Amplifying Your Voice


Have you ever wondered what it would take for governments to build safe, affordable housing in your neighbourhood? The answer is you!

Data matters in making the case for housing but stories are the most powerful advocacy tool. They can change people’s hearts and minds, and change the world by helping the people who make decisions in government understand how the current housing situation is failing you, your friends, and your family.

Sharing your personal experience is an act of courage and vulnerability. And it can be very intimidating. That’s why we’ve put together a series of Skills Sharing Sessions designed to support you and other women and gender diverse people with lived expertise – past or current – of barriers to safe, secure, appropriate and affordable housing.



How to participate


Skills Sharing Sessions will be held online on Saturdays, for four weeks starting on March 11th. They will start at 10AM PST // 11AM CST // 1PM EST // 2PM AST and run 2 to 3 hours depending on the week.




Participants who complete all four sessions will be eligible for a $250 honourarium, and will be entered into a draw to win one of three registrations for the Pan Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing annual symposium, which will be held in Toronto the week of October 16th. All expenses included.


About Pan-Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing


The Pan-Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing (PCVWH) is a national project focused on ensuring housing policies across Canada include and prioritize women and children. We host an annual symposium to give women a space to discuss changes they’d like to see to housing policies at the local, regional and national level. Since our first symposium in 2017, we’ve encouraged intersectional and inclusive participation.

We’ve successfully facilitated urgent and timely discussions, which have inspired our flagship Calls to Actions. We’ve also made important recommendations to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), which have helped with the development of the National Housing Strategy. For more information, please visit


About the She. They. Us. Campaign


She. They. Us is a new campaign launched by Pan-Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing to strengthen and amplify the voices of women and gender diverse people with lived experience of inadequate housing as advocates for better housing for households led by women and gender diverse people across Canada. As we embark on this work, we are inviting you to join us to find out how you can make a difference as a champion for women and gender diverse people. Click here for more information about the campaign.