Pan-Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing
An inclusive group of 40 women from every province and territory, representing First Nations, Métis and Inuit women’s organizations, women with lived expertise, immigrant and refugee women’s organizations, the black and women of colour communities, trans women, the women’s disability community, and shelters, transition houses, women’s centres and advocacy organizations, actively participated in the two-day October 2018 Symposium in Vancouver.
By the end of the first day of the Symposium, based on compelling presentations by women, Symposium participants engaged in small group conversations to develop six Calls to Action in regards to women’s housing in Canada.
Government representatives joined on the second day and listened and learned from women. Evan Siddall, President and CEO of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), and the BC Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Selina Robinson, were in attendance. The six Calls to Action were shared with Evan Siddall. Siddall listened to Symposium participants as they shared their knowledge about housing, and their experiences with housing that met their needs, as well as housing that was inadequate. In response and on behalf of the CMHC, Evan Siddall made five commitments to the Pan-Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing Symposium.
This report is a summary of the proceedings of the 2018 PCVWH Symposium:
- Pan Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing 2018 Symposium (English)
- Pan Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing 2018 Appendix (English)
- Pan Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing 2018 Symposium (French)
- Pan Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing 2018 Appendix (French)