
Rediscover Parenting Workshops

ReDiscover Parenting is a safe, supportive group environment for women who have experienced violence/abuse in their lives to explore parenting. It is a 13 week closed group.

Date: Sept 12th – Dec 5th, 2018

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Location: 101 East Cordova St. Vancouver

ReDiscover Parenting grew out of an identified need to offer group support to women who had experienced abuse to explore the parenting relationship, for example the relationship between a woman and her children or between a woman and her parents. Most traditional parenting programs are based on white, middle class and heterosexist assumptions about women’s roles, families and parenting. In ReDiscover Parenting we do it differently by focusing on the lived experiences and embodied knowledge of women who have experienced abuse. We incorporate a feminist, anti-oppression analysis of parenting, including custody and access issues and struggles with substance use and mental wellness.

ReDiscover Parenting is designed to support women to empower themselves and to assist them in breaking the cycle of abuse in their own lives and in their children’s lives, therefore breaking the social patterns of violence against women that have crossed multiple generations. The main focus of the group will be self-care as we explore how outside influences and stresses can impact parenting.

We do this by looking at:

  • Society and the messages we get about being parents
  • The families we grew up in and what we learnt about parenting from them
  • The impact abuse has had on our lives
  • Child development bonding and attachment
  • Parenting styles
  • How we express feelings and how to help children express theirs
  • Anger ours and children’s and how to deal with it
  • Problem solving and communication
  • Self-care and how to create fun and play
Being a parent is not a requirement to attend the group. All women can access the group.

Want to learn more?

Please contact Bina Salimath:
Phone: (604) 331-1407 ext 107