Every Little bit counts
Atira has options for your team, business and community group so you get hands on experience in giving. As you’ll see by our track record, a little bit can go a long way.
Whatever your fundraising style, we’re keen to work with fundraising hosts with big hearts.
Who doesn’t love a good bake sale? Big or small, you can design the event that works best for you, then you donate the proceeds back to Atira. We’ll provide you with the tools you need to show the community who you’re supporting.
Contact us to find out how Atira can help with your event.
(604) 681-4437 and press 5
Email us at donations@atira.bc.ca
We can come to you
If you are interested in supporting Atira Women’s Resource Society and would like to arrange for a presentation to your community or business, please contact:
(604) 681-4437 and press 5
Email us at donations@atira.bc.ca
Event Sponsorship
Want your business to get more involved in your community? Want to do more than simply writing a cheque? Reach out today to speak with us regarding potential event sponsorship opportunities!
Email us at donations@atira.bc.ca