
News Title

To upload a new news article to the website, go to the Posts section, where you can see the list of all previous news or posts.

From here, either click Add New Post in the top section or from the menu bar in the dashboard.

As you can see, in the Title section, you can enter the title of the news article.
We don’t need to focus on the Introduction section; just copy and paste the full content of the news into the main text section.

On the right side of the page, you need to pay attention to two things:

  1. Select Category
  2. Set Featured Image

If the article or news doesn’t have a specific image, use the general branded Atira image.
By clicking Set Featured Image, you’ll go to the Media section.
Here, you can either upload the news image or, as mentioned, find and select the default general image from the collection.


You must click the Publish button to make it visible on the website.


After uploading, two sections need to be updated:

  1. On the News page, you’ll see the list of previously published news articles, with the newest one appearing at the top.
  2. On the Homepage, you need to add the new news there as well.