Our Vaccine Confidence Project
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on the health, social and economic well-being of people in Canada and around the world. It has led to many significant changes in our daily lives. Vaccinating the Canadian population with safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines is essential for fully re-opening the Canadian economy and a return to “normalcy”.
On January 15th, 2021, Atira’s campaign to address vaccine hesitancies and encourage staff to get their vaccines was started. Atira launched the Vaccine & Immunization Peer Training Program and Best Practices for Social Housing project as an opportunity to identify and address longstanding systemic barriers to vaccination among women who have experienced interpersonal/systemic violence – including acceptance and uptake of vaccines beyond those that prevent COVID-19.
Resources for both the public and service providers include videos, reports, articles, activities and a comprehensive online workshop (EN/FR) are available on our page: https://atira.bc.ca/what-we-do/training-resources/vaccine-confidence/