>> Module 1:
A New Perspective of Abuse in the Workplace
1.1 Course Goals & Objectives
This module is intended to provide an opportunity for health providers to explore abuse in the work environment and gain a new perspective about abuse in the workplace. While the remainder of this workshop addresses abuse and its effects on women's health, it is important to begin with nurses' own experiences of abuse. In order to promote respectful, empowering interactions with patients, health care setting must strive to create such interactions between colleagues and foster organizational values of equality and respect.
This module will examine work interactions and relationships using nursing as a case example. This will provide a context for understanding how abuse and violence influence health care provider's ability to provider patient care and promote a healthy work environment in which everyone feels safe.
By the end of this module participants will be able to:
- Describe the differences between "bad behavior" and abuse in the workplace.
- Describe the effect of abuse on a nurse's decision-making.
- Describe the effect of abuse on patient care using professional Standards for Nursing
- Practice appropriate to personal nursing practice.
- Describe the effect of abuse on a nurse's health.
- Identify practices which will maximize safety for the health provider
- Explore options for action in an organization to create a "zero tolerance" for abuse
- Make the link between nurse's experience of workplace abuse and women's experience of abuse.