4.4 Exercises
Click to start the Multiple Choice quiz
Click to start the True or False quiz
To do the quiz, click on what you believe to be the correct answer. If you are right, a checkmark will appear momentarily on the screen. If this does not happen, guess again.
It is important to give women accurate information, to admit when we don't know something, and to recognize how hard it is to make changes, even when you know how important those changes are for your or your children's health.
Resource Link:
Effects of Substances on Pregnancy
See pages 75-76
In the next module, we will explore some of the evidence-based best practices around supporting women and their children.
To finish, think about a change that you're trying to make in yourself (or in your life) right now. Or one that you're made already. What has been helpful to you in making that change, in terms of people or resources?
You have now completed Module 4. Click on 'Module 5' at the top of the page to being the next module.