3.3 Susan's Story
In order to help women you provide care for to address issues underlying or related to their substance use, do you know what resources are available in your area to support women in the areas of:
Issue |
Program |
Phone Number |
Comments |
violence/abuse |
mental health issues |
substance use |
affordable housing |
legal issues |
culture/language |
employment |
food and nutrition |
pregnancy or parenting |
Do you know the details, such as hours, age limits, requirements (such as abstinence, picture identification), cost, availability of childcare, geographical boundaries, drop-in or appointment, length of waiting list, etc.?
What are some of the challenges in having up-to-date information about resources?
For more information on services for substance-using women in British Columbia, visit the
Kaiser Foundation's website
Click on the 'Directory of Addiction Services'link at the top of the page to find drug and alcohol resources in your community.
You can also find out about counselling, day treatment or residential programs across BC by calling the
Alcohol & Drug Referral Line, toll-free, at 1-800-663-1441 (or 604-660-9382 in the Lower Mainland).
Return to Susan's story to hear about some of the additional challenges created by other systems to remaining free from the abuse and substance use.