2.4 Judy's Story
When you're in a really stressful situation, you start exhibiting weird symptoms and your body reacts in certain ways. I think stress for long periods of time is not well documented in our society; it's a relatively new thing. For some people it's eczema or I'll get heat rashes or other bizarre things that just show up where there's no real cause in the sense of if eat this bad shell fish, I exhibit these symptoms, yes this is the result. It's much more subtle. And you deal with all your health problems longer. The whole thing was so detrimental to my health.
I was basically feeling like I was having a breakdown. You get stressed out, your immune system says 'Whoa, I can't cope with all of this' and you'll catch something, it's almost guaranteed. I had a flu, but I was also tapped out which is why I got so sick.
Resource Link: Health Impacts of Abuse - What Women Report
Resource Link: Health Impacts of Abuse - The Academic Literature