2.4 Judy's Story
He would come home, turn on the T.V. right away, not even necessarily say 'hello' to me or give me a kiss or say 'I'm home'. So something I tried to work on was, 'I'd appreciate it if you'd just say hello because I'm here, I hear the door open, I don't know if it's you or not'. I just thought that's what my parents do and I think it's a respectful, loving thing to do. But he would just come and turn on the T.V. and then at the same time turn on the computer and would be involved in either one for hours at a time and expect that I was going to come up with something wonderful for dinner. I expected that he was going to be responsible for meals as well and asked him one time 'what bright ideas do you have for dinner this evening'? Oh my goodness, well you never say that, that's over the edge, and there's going be an issue and then it won't be about that, it'll be about my tone of voice to him. So, as my mother says, I made a lot of concessions in that relationship.