1.4 Helen's Story
From the scenario thus far, identify the tactics Dr. Dale uses throughout the scenario to exert his power, and how Helen experiences the Cycle. For example, during the explosion phase, Dr. Dale feels entitled to yell at his colleagues or refuse to speak to them. From the nurses' perspective, they are more focused on mitigating the effects of Dr. Dale's behaviour on patients, or may doubt their own professional ability. Identify the "tactics Dr. Dale uses to exert or maintain his control and place them in the appropriate place in the cycle.
Women who experience abuse describe a pattern or cycle with three phases; Honeymoon, Tension, and Explosion. It is important to know that though the drawing seems to indicate movement from honeymoon to tension to explosion, in reality, it is not so neat. In abusive situations the movement can be in any direction and back and forth between the phase Dr. Dale's behaviour moves from tension to explosion to tension to explosion in some of the examples. The honeymoon may be that he comes in to a room and causes no embarrassment or discomfort to the nurse. However, because the nurse never knows what might happen, her focus is on protecting her patient and herself from his actions.
From the scenario thus far, identify the tactics Dr. Dale uses throughout the scenario to exert his power.
Dr. Dale
Tactics during Explosion
Eg. silent treatment
Tactics in Honeymoon
Eg. act like nothing happened
Tactics in Tension Phase
Eg. turns over blood pressure cuff
Helen's experience of Explosion
Eg. dread
Helen's experience of honeymoon
Eg. confusion
Helen's experience of tension
Eg. Self-doubt